Saturday, May 23, 2009

Political Landscape - 2nd Place SPS Slide Show

I took a second place with my "Political Landscape" projected image essay at Schenectady Photographic Society this year. I have posted a copy to the web and it can be accessed from link bellow. To play the show open link below and click on flag image, Political Landscape.

Political Landscape

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Greyhounds as Companions

Greyhounds as Companions is the adoption group that we adopted Leslie from and the third Saturday they do Meet and Greats at the PetSmart in Glenmont, NY. We have been attending these since getting Leslie allowing her to socialize with other greyhounds and be ambassador for greyhound adoption. This past Saturday I took my camera to document some of the action.

This is Freddy who was just rescued all the way from Guam, looking really good after a long flight that I would not even make in first class.

Freddy and Memphis both rescued from Guam.

And this is Leslie relaxing on the sofa after a hard day of Meeting and Greeting.

SPS Projected Image of the Year

I am pleased to announce that my photo "Rainy Night" took Projected Image of the Year for the 2008-2009 Schenectady Photographic Society. Final image of the year competition was judged by four photographers.

SPS Monochrome Print of the Year

With summer just around the corner, the 2008-2009 Schenectady Photographic Society is coming to a close. I am proud to announce that my photo titled "Church on Hill" was picked as Monochrome print of the year.