Thursday, December 31, 2009

End of 2009

Only a one and a half hours left in 2009 and here are the two last images I have taken in 2009. One from this morning taken from car window during snow storm and the other image taken this evening in Village of Coxsackie.

Happy New Year

Link to final images from 2009 -

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

Wishing All a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Digital Infrared

I have had my Nikon D200 camera converted over to capture infrared light making it a dedicated infrared system. Infrared images will show green vegetation as very bright near white and blue sky and water will render near black. I was able to capture a few infrared images just prior to winter setting in here in New York which I have posted in this blog. Look for more infrared images once the green leaves return in the spring.

New Leslie Gallery

I have just added a new image gallery to my stock gallery area featuring some new images of our greyhound, Leslie. You can access the gallery from link below.

Greyhounds as Companions

Greyhounds as Companions just received two new Grey’s (Huey and Garret) from Florida and I have created an image gallery of their bath day. Also included in this gallery are images from the Meet-n-Greet at Glenmont, NY Pet Smart this past weekend. You can access this new gallery from link below.

The blog image is Giselle, 2 year old white female greyhound how is deaf.

Monday, December 14, 2009

LensBaby Gallery

In today’s world of high mega pixel cameras and super sharp optics there isa lens called the LensBaby. The LensBaby has a sharp sweet spot that can be moved around the image by bending the lens with anything outside the sweet spot becoming very soft and out of focus. I just picked up the latest design called the LensBaby Composer and before all the color was gone spent a couple of days walking around the Village of Athens applying the LensBaby on the last of fall color.

I have placed a Gallery of LensBaby images in my Stock Gallery area, the Gallery can be accessed from link below.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall 2009 Image Gallery

I ave just created a Fall 2009 Image Gallery which you can access from link below.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saint Josephs Church

I conducted a HDR photography workshop and we had access to Saint Josephs Church located in Albany, NY. This church has been vacant since 1990 and it is sad to see this mighty cathedral in it state of decay. Hopefully people realize what a wonderful structure this and pull together to save and restore this church.

The church was cold and dark with only a flood light illuminating the interior, but the HDR imaging reveals the colorful beauty of the churches interior.

I have a image gallery of photographs created during this workshop which can be accessed from link below.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Trip to Vermont

I took Columbus day off and headed out to Southern Vermont to get some Fall Foliage images. The two locations was Jenne Farm (must photographed farm in Vermont) and Sleepy Hollow Farm. I was a little late in getting there and the light was hard so I ended up doing a few HDR imagesas well. The color in the Woodstock VT. area was near peak but not a lot of red yet.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Creative Work

Nikon has not pulled the creative tools that we had during the film days from today's digital camera bodies. During yesterdays outing in the Catskill Mountains I shot a few ten shot multiple exposures of a stand of trees along one of the roads I traveled. These images are all in camera no Photoshop magic.

Fall in Catskill Mountains

I was out in the Catskill Mountains yesterday to see how the fall colors doing. Here a few images I took in the Tannersville and Hunter area of the Catskill Mountains here in Upstate New York.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Made it into 2010 Panoramic Photography Book published by Autopano Pro

For my extreme panoramic images I use AutoPano Pro software to stitch these photographs together. Every year Autopano Pro asks users to submit images to be considered to be published into their yearly panoramic photography book. I submitted three of my images to be considered for this book and they selected my panoramic image of the Old Decaying Farm in Freehold NY.

Autopano Pro had 1392 images submitted from 638 photographers through the world. This year, a jury composed of famous photographers selected 130 images that will be published in the book: Arnaud Frich, Bertrand Bodin and Hervé Sentucq, all three are specialized in panoramic photography.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hudson 400 Exhibit

This is the 400th year anniversary that Henry Hudson sailed the Hudson River here in New York State and there has been events along the River this summer. The Photo Center in Troy, NY is currently featuring the Hudson River with a gallery exhibit entitled “The Hudson 400”. This show features photographs of the Hudson River and neighboring valley and I have four of my works chosen to hang in this show. The opening reception will be September 25th 5 to 9 pm along with a closing reception on October 30th 5 to 9 pm. If you are in the area please plan on seeing this exhibit to see how many great photographers have captured this mighty river.

Photo Center
404 River Street
Troy, NY 12180-2821
Phone 518-273-0100

5–9 p.m. Monday–Tuesday, Thursday–Friday
noon–6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday

Eagles on the Hudson River

For years I paddled my kayak on the Hudson River trying to capture images of the bald eagles now living along the river with no luck. The other weekend I was out on river with long time friends, Marc & Judy on their pontoon boat. Just below village of Athens we spotted on of the mighty Eagles and I was able to get few good shoots of this guy before he decided we had gotten close enough. The later in the day on our way back we spotted a juvenile eagle which I captured in flight.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Athens Cultural Center - Point-n-Shoot

I taught a four day point-n-shoot photography course focused on people looking to get the most out of their point-n-shoot cameras. The course was offered by the Athens Cultural Center in the Village of Athens. I was lucky to have a wonderful group of buddy photographers eager to learn the basics of digital photography and everyone shown some really good photography talent. I have assembled a image gallery of some of the great work from my students, you can access this gallery from the link below. When you click on Gallery thumb nail a larger image will be displayed and the photographers name will be in the file name of image.

I would like to say thank you to all the students for allowing me to share my photography experience and also like to thank Athens Cultural Center for hosting this.

Blog image credit, photographer Debbie Scott

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lisa and I took Leslie to Athens Dog Park today to meet Carolyn and her three greyhounds (Isabel, Rodeo, and Baxter). We are finding that greyhounds are wonderful breed of dog and their owners are wonderful people. We all had a great time this morning and images from this outing can be found at the following link.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Photoshop Magic

I have never been one to manipulate photos that much in photo shop other than HDR work. I have finally gotten out and did some photography, shooting flowers. After looking at the images they looked just like the flowers I shoot in previous years, nothing new. So into Photoshop I when to try some layer blending magic and this is what I ended up with, which I like and does not look like previous years image.

Gallary Show - McGreevy Pro Lab

I currently have gallery show at McGreevy Prolab with the opening reception August 7, 2009 5pm to 9pm. This part Albany's First Friday with trolley service running between participating galleries. This show is featuring so of my high dynamic range images from the past three years.

McGreevy Prolab is located at 376 Broadway in downtown Albany.

Hope to see you there, Robert

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Leslie Gallery

Finally have gotten around to placing a gallery of images that I have taken of Leslie. Photos taken out doors are from the Village of Athens Dog Park a wonderful dog park which Leslie can run free to her hearts content. To access this gallery use link below.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Political Landscape - 2nd Place SPS Slide Show

I took a second place with my "Political Landscape" projected image essay at Schenectady Photographic Society this year. I have posted a copy to the web and it can be accessed from link bellow. To play the show open link below and click on flag image, Political Landscape.

Political Landscape

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Greyhounds as Companions

Greyhounds as Companions is the adoption group that we adopted Leslie from and the third Saturday they do Meet and Greats at the PetSmart in Glenmont, NY. We have been attending these since getting Leslie allowing her to socialize with other greyhounds and be ambassador for greyhound adoption. This past Saturday I took my camera to document some of the action.

This is Freddy who was just rescued all the way from Guam, looking really good after a long flight that I would not even make in first class.

Freddy and Memphis both rescued from Guam.

And this is Leslie relaxing on the sofa after a hard day of Meeting and Greeting.