Friday, September 25, 2009

Made it into 2010 Panoramic Photography Book published by Autopano Pro

For my extreme panoramic images I use AutoPano Pro software to stitch these photographs together. Every year Autopano Pro asks users to submit images to be considered to be published into their yearly panoramic photography book. I submitted three of my images to be considered for this book and they selected my panoramic image of the Old Decaying Farm in Freehold NY.

Autopano Pro had 1392 images submitted from 638 photographers through the world. This year, a jury composed of famous photographers selected 130 images that will be published in the book: Arnaud Frich, Bertrand Bodin and Hervé Sentucq, all three are specialized in panoramic photography.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hudson 400 Exhibit

This is the 400th year anniversary that Henry Hudson sailed the Hudson River here in New York State and there has been events along the River this summer. The Photo Center in Troy, NY is currently featuring the Hudson River with a gallery exhibit entitled “The Hudson 400”. This show features photographs of the Hudson River and neighboring valley and I have four of my works chosen to hang in this show. The opening reception will be September 25th 5 to 9 pm along with a closing reception on October 30th 5 to 9 pm. If you are in the area please plan on seeing this exhibit to see how many great photographers have captured this mighty river.

Photo Center
404 River Street
Troy, NY 12180-2821
Phone 518-273-0100

5–9 p.m. Monday–Tuesday, Thursday–Friday
noon–6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday

Eagles on the Hudson River

For years I paddled my kayak on the Hudson River trying to capture images of the bald eagles now living along the river with no luck. The other weekend I was out on river with long time friends, Marc & Judy on their pontoon boat. Just below village of Athens we spotted on of the mighty Eagles and I was able to get few good shoots of this guy before he decided we had gotten close enough. The later in the day on our way back we spotted a juvenile eagle which I captured in flight.